Friday, January 29, 2010

God's eternal eyesight

Exodus 13:17-18 (MSG)

It so happened that after Pharaoh released the people, God didn't lead them by the road through the land of the Philistines, which was the shortest route, for God thought, "If the people encounter war, they'll change their minds and go back to Egypt."

So God led the people on the wilderness road, looping around to the Red Sea. The Israelites left Egypt in military formation.

I was talking to a friend recently who mentioned how much she's learned about acceptance and unconditional love since being over her goal weight versus when she was thinner. I thought about that statement again later because isn't it true how we are more pliable and teachable in a "worsened" state than if everything in our lives were "perfect"? Clearly, God knows this, as seen in the passage above. If the Israelites had taken the easy route, it would have presented more problems for them because they weren't strong-minded enough or secure enough in God to face a war. So what did God do? He led them through the wilderness--a route that seems bleak and more challenging than the shorter path. We all know that even though the wilderness was longer, it still should have only been a trip that took them a few weeks yet it took them over 40 years to unlearn their distrustful and disrespectful ways so they could be blessed and live in the fullness that God wanted for them all along.

How many times in our lives do we look at our circumstances and think "Why is this not over yet?? When will God let me move on?" Or perhaps "Why didn't God let me go this way?" Instead of asking "why" we should trust His eternal eyesight and know that He sees our entire path and every loop, turn, and crossroad. He knows how our path intertwines with so many others and is working for the good in the lives of EVERYONE who trusts Him and loves Him (Rom. 8:28).

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Love Revolution

As the business of Christmas rolls in, trying to manage shopping, parties, your children's activities, family, traveling, cooking, etc. can add a lot of stress and anxiety to your already full schedule. There are a few things that help us keep perspective:

1. Keep it Simple. Pastor Jason challenged us all over the past two weeks to "keep it simple" with Christmas this year. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy festivities and parties, gifts and favors, but it does mean not overextending yourself to so many commitments that you cannot enjoy the true gift of Christmas: the Presence and the Love of God fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ.

2. Rest. You need rest, especially when you've added xyz to your usual schedule! Try to schedule down time in order for you and your family to hang out together. You don't have to do anything elaborate or overly planned. Watch a movie together. Sing Christmas carols karaoke-style. Try your hand at a game on that big-buck game system you bought for your kids. Make Christmas cards. Do something that increases your family bond and gives everyone a break from being "on."

3. Give. You may be thinking, "Wait, you just told me to cut back and hang loose." Well, it's no surprise but this is one of those times of year that people are expected to be overly stingy. It's our job as Christ-followers to counteract that all year long, but especially during this time when the world is pressing it so much. Give your love to someone who feels left out. Give your time to somone who's lonely. Give the joy of your smile to a stranger who is also feeling the pressure of the holidays and in doing so, you can keep Christ in your perspective of the holidays.

As we follow Christ's example in Acts 10:38: "... he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him."

God's Presence in our everyday lives empowers us to do good and show love to those who need it. Let's keep the Love Revolution going!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Being Born Again

This most important decision you’ll ever make is to become a follower of Jesus Christ. After being a Christian for more that 30 years I can honestly say that there are times I forget the power of being “born again." As I preached Sunday about this topic and prepared for the opportunity, I was jolted by the Holy Spirit a few times. The reality hit me like a ton of bricks-- “I am born again of the Spirit.” What an awesome miracle!  

As Christians, we are often looking for the miracles of God. But the truth is, the greatest miracles are those God has transformed from the inside out. The reality is “I am a walking Miracle.” I know that can sound canned but the power of that thought has really sank into my spirit lately. Be reminded today that when Jesus comes into your life he brings new life into our spirit. The old is gone and the new has come (2 Cor. 5:17).

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Don't Give Up

Whatever you do, don’t grow weary! Life can make us tired sometimes. Sometimes we find ourselves yawning and ready to take up a nap. We scream out “Can I just have a break?” But I believe God is telling you today to wake up, stir yourself up and keep moving forward.

It is not time to stop fighting. It is not time to relax (spiritually). It is not time to let your guard down. Galatians 6:9 says “Let us not grow weary in doing good. For at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” Your life has greatness attached to it in spite of your failures and short comings. Keep saying and staying on what is right and God will bring that “harvest,” that greatness into your life. It will happen!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Four P's

Whenever God is working in our lives it will usually fall into one of four “P’s:”
  • The Promise,
  • The Principle,
  • The Problem,
  • and The Provision.
The Promise is when God gives us something to stand on out of His word. This could be general or very specific (household salvation, divine healing, mind of Christ, etc.). Hang on to your promise!

The Principle is the time that God imparts truths to grow us for the fulfillment of the promise. It is a time of learning and “going to school.”

The Problem is when God allows us to be tested to see what we have learned. I do believe this is the stage that the devil tries to distract, discourage, and derail us from our Promise. In our momentary troubles we must not give in but remain steadfast to see-out the promise. Your problem is not greater than your promise. Ask yourself what is it that God is trying to teach you in all this. This is a sign of true spiritual maturity. Change what you can. Change only happens when the pain of the same is greater than the pain of change.

The Provision is the promise coming into reality. This is the moment when it all comes together and makes sense. I recently heard a cool quote that said “Faith is living in advance what we will only understand in reverse.”

Whatever “P” you find yourself in today, remember God knows exactly what is going on and He desires to see you make it to the provision of His Promise!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Distracted by His glory

Can I ask you a question today? What are you attracted to? What is it that gets your attention?

Life can really be distracting at times. In contrast, I have found over time that God wants to distract me from the things of this world. I know a lot of times we talk about being spiritually distracted by the enemy, or by some situation or circumstance. But I really believe that God wants to distract your life with His glory. He wants to shift your focus off of the reality of your problems and place them on His greatness. Don’t miss this point!I am not saying that we should not face our problems, but I am saying that when we focus on magnifying the Lord, God will distract us from becoming overwhelmed with the pressures of this life.

Go outside tonight or some night (when it's clear) and just begin to focus on how big God really is. All of a sudden the words that Isaiah penned in chapter 55:8-9 become more than just a scripture you may have heard.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Just that thought alone brings hope, trust, and strength. To be reminded that God’s ways are higher than ours -- that is only one thought that can distract us from focusing on the wrong thing. When we become distracted by God and His glory, our lives will sync up with His greatness. Let me say that again so you don’t miss it: When we become distracted by God and His glory our lives will sync up with His greatness.

My challenge for you, my friend,is simple: Instead of allowing the enemy to distract you with life, allow your life to be distracted with how amazing God is. I think you’ll find that God’s distractions are the best kind.

By the way, when we get distracted on the right things we will find that our perspective of our life and our problems will always be right.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tips for The Race

What an awesome service we had yesterday as we focused on running “The Race” that God has called us to. Your race must be run with perseverance if we are going to finish. Perseverance, very simply put, is refusing to quit no matter how hard it gets. It is running with impudence towards God-goals and destiny for your life.

Many times when a runner is running their side will start hurting. I have been told (because I am not a skilled runner) that if you press through the pain that it will go away. But, if you focus on the pain, it will rob you of your rhythm and, ultimately, your potential to finish. This is not a huge revelation but pain hurts--that’s why we focus on it.

Let me give you some sound spiritual advice. When pain enters into your life don’t deny that it is there. It is ok to acknowledge your pain. The key for us as believers is to make sure that we don’t allow it to control us. That is when we let the enemy win. Pain is real and it hurts, but do not give the enemy the satisfaction of stealing your spiritual rhythm. Keep your focus on Jesus “the author and perfecter of your faith”. When you think about how much pain he had to endure for us and that he wants to help us in our time of need, it makes our pain easier to carry!